We are committed to the continuous improvement of our business.
ASL internal policies include Anti-Bribery, Disaster Recovery, Conflict of Interest, CSR, Data Protection, Environmental, Equal Opportunities, Equality, Diversity & Inclusion, Fire Safety, Harassment, Information Security, Modern Slavery, Quality, Customer Complaints, Recruitment & Selection, Safeguarding, Training & Development, Volunteering, Wellbeing, and Whistleblowing and many others.
Investment in a Customer Success Team aligns with our commitment to ISO 9001 for minimal disruptions. ASL’s Quality Assurance ensures reliable, cost-effective provision of products and services meeting customer needs. Our program aims for “right first time” activities, fostering excellence and job satisfaction among employees.
Supply chain managementASL places an emphasis on the responsible management of its supply chain, recognising the pivotal role it plays in overall corporate sustainability.The company is committed to ensuring that its suppliers and partners adhere to high standards of Corporate Social Responsibility, encompassing aspects such as environmental sustainability, human rights, labour conditions, and ethical business practices.
ASL maintains a firm stance against modern slavery and human rights abuses within its operations and supply chain. The company has implemented robust measures to identify and mitigate the risks of modern slavery, both internally and within its extended network of suppliers.
ASL’s commitment to ISO9001 and ISO14001 demonstrates our commitment to continually reviewing processes and business activity, to identify opportunities to make improvements and incremental changes to business operations to enhance products, service provision and processes, with a focus on sustainability.
ISO 9001 - Quality Management | ISO 14001 - Environmental Management | Cyber Essentials PLUS | SafeContractor
ISO standards assure meeting customer needs, statutory requirements, and continual improvement. Recertification every three years ensures compliance with ISO British Standards. Cyber Essentials PLUS certifies robust cybersecurity against hacking and phishing. SafeContractor ensures we are compliant with health and safety standards.

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