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Plant as you print

What is

PrintReleaf is the world’s first platform that automatically converts paper footprint into actual trees. As you print, you actively replant trees in forests that need it most around the world.

This new initiative will empower your company to releaf forests based on your paper footprint. PrintReleaf Certification empowers you to sustain and grow our global forest system… one print job at a time.

Standard Pages Offset
Standard Trees Reforested

ASL Group customers have collectively offset the equivalent of 303M letter pages of paper consumption by reforesting 36.4K trees since joining PrintReleaf in March 2019.

How It Works

PrintReleaf measures paper footprint based on cumulative printing. This is done automatically through integrations with market-leading software applications. Then, we can select where to reforest consumption through a network of PrintReleaf Certified™ Global Reforestation Projects.

The Benefits

Environmental Reforestation

Reforestation provides environmental and ecological reforestation where the planet needs it most.


Completely automated, end-to end integration from printer to seedling with no software to install.


The PrintReleaf ecosystem is verified by our third party certifying body, SGS International.


Through awareness, social marketing, and certifications, you can see and share the positive impact you have on forests around the world.

If you would like to find out how you can take part in PrintReleaf with ASL, click on the button below to get in touch.