In partnership with our waste contractors, ASL Group Ltd have achieved a 93% recycling rate from all departments, with just 7% going to landfill.
In certain areas, we have actually achieved a recycle rate of 100% by returning material to manufacturers and by utilising a metal recycling scheme.
We are delighted that we have been able to achieve these levels of recycling throughout the business, especially as material volumes are high and 100% of our waste used to be sent directly to landfill.
In response to the success of our current recycling scheme, we have now set a new target of a 95% recycle rate by further reducing our overall contribution to landfill.
ASL Group Ltd strives to reduce the environmental impact of its processes and we would like to thank all those who have contributed to our recycling policy.
And as a final reminder, don’t forget to ask this question: “If it’s going in the bin, can we recycle it…..?”