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How could AI increase the efficiency of your printer and copier fleet?

This year, AI (artificial intelligence) has become a hot topic in just about every industry imaginable. But what does it mean for printing and printers?

AI presents a vast opportunity to improve productivity and efficiency of printing, but it’s not without its risk. In this article, we’ll look at the potential of AI and what it means to the printing industry, but also at the one key thing that is holding back print and copier manufacturers from integrating AI into al their devices straight away.

Faster and easier campaign creation

Businesses have woken up to the power of personalisation when it comes to engaging consumers. AI makes large, personalised print runs more accessible to even medium to large companies as each proof doesn’t need to be created and sent to print manually. When campaigns can be created and executed more easily, it also becomes possible to run many more of them as it reduces a task that may previously have taken weeks to just hours.

Network optimisation

AI is also empowering those who use printing technologies. By providing easier access to real-time data, users can manage processes and their printing or copying fleet more effectively. They can choose from different visualisation approaches and share reports with other users. AI will be able to predict the load on any particular device and to distribute tasks to optimise the use of your full network. It could also help to identify any under-used network nodes to heal you streamline your business further.

Predictive wear and tear

They can receive notification of when toners and inks need replacement, before they’re running on red and can identify potential breakdowns before they occur. This enables businesses and printing technology owners to operate more effectively with even less downtime that was imagined possible.


AI can also help businesses to achieve sustainability objectives. Automated workflows and processes can help businesses to meet the printing requirements in a more sustainable way – by reducing paper waste, energy use or toner. For example, initial use of a device can require more energy as the printer or copier components are warmed up. So, if subsequent printing can be sent to the same machine before those components cool again, you instantly reduce the environmental cost and the energy used for the second print run. There are many other ways in which AI can support improved green credentials among printing and copying products, and it’s likely that this will be one of the first areas where AI is invited to bring something to the party.

What’s holding back AI in the print industry?

The one area holding back true AI optimisation is the risk of cyber security. That’s where safe and secure solutions and networks, and the delivery of training that raises awareness of the risks of AI-supported solutions, are essential. However, with the right safeguards and protections in place, AI could deliver all kinds of benefits. These may range from greater efficiencies, streamlined processes, and shortened production times.

To discuss how AI-enhanced printing and photocopying solutions could help you streamline your business’ printing processes, call us on 0345 207 7000.


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