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Print Releaf and how we’re working to create a greener world

Since March 2019 we have, together with our customers, reforested 36,397 trees. That is 36,397 trees that wouldn’t be absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, cleaning our air every single day. That’s 36,397 trees that provide a home to more than 900 million creatures[i] (if not already, it will be in a few short years). And it’s jobs. Jobs for local people in reforestation projects all around the world.

How did we make such a big difference in such a short period of time? By teaming up with PrintReleaf. You see, since March 2019, we’ve been offsetting the resources that our customers use in their ASL devices through PrintReleaf, which measures the carbon footprint of this activity, and then plants trees to offset this carbon contribution.

We’re proud of this difference we’ve made. From one seemingly small decision.

You see, with PrintReleaf, not only do we make a difference, but we can see the difference we make. We know how many sheets of paper have been used in printing and copying, and we know how many trees have been planted to take the place of the resources used in their production. And we know that local people are being given paid work to make that happen.

However, this isn’t just good for the planet (and therefore by default for us all), it’s also good for our clients.

With PrintReleaf’s verified carbon offsets, our clients can check off some of those Scope 3 carbon emissions. And with a Lifetime Certificate, it becomes possible to see the change in your sustainability over time. This can be shared with our clients’ customers and end-users. And, with sustainability becoming increasingly important in consumer decision-making, it encourages both trial and brand loyalty, because consumers want to make ethical choices and feel good about themselves when they do[ii].

For extra reassurance, all of these tree-planting projects are verified and audited by a third party, SGS International, so we can have confidence that the difference we are making is real.

Teaming up with PrintReleaf has transformed the level of sustainability in our business, and our overall focus on how we repay the planet for the resources we use. For more information on our sustainability and reforestation efforts, you can visit our website at or contact us on 0345 207 7000.

[i] According to Professor Bjarte Jordal at the University Museum of Bergen

[ii] Luttrell, Andrew, Jacob Teeny, and Richard E. Petty. 2021. “Morality Matters in the Marketplace: The Role of Moral Metacognition on Consumer Purchasing.” Social Cognition.

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