No business can thrive without effective communication. For most businesses, primary method of communicating with the outside world is the telephone. Therefore, for many businesses, it is vital that their telephony services work constantly, and will not let them down at the crucial moment. At ASL Group, our telephony services aim to make your company’s communications more streamlined and reliable. ASL Group have partnered with Gamma and Nuvem to offer telephony solutions that takes your entire corporate phone network and places it on the Cloud. This has a myriad of benefits, which are detailed below.

Here are four reasons to contact ASL Group to enquire about telephony services for your business:


You are in full control
man on phone

When you sign up to telephony services from ASL Group, you are given access to a piece of software that gives you full control over your telephony network. You are able to choose how many channels you need, what features you want, and how resources are deployed. You are able to keep an eye on your usage over time, and adjust the package you are on accordingly. For example, if your company is growing at a fast rate, you may require more phones to be connected to the network in anticipation of new hires joining. In this case, you would be able to scale up your package quickly and easily to cope with demand. The same goes for the opposite too; scaling down your package is easy as well if you feel like you might be paying too much.


It is cheaper

 Man looking down at mobile phone

When you take out a telephony services package with ASL Group, you don’t need to invest in new hardware. All of the hardware used to run your network is kept off site, so you don’t have to install it at your premises. A particularly popular cost-saving feature of telephony services is the provision of free internal calls. This allows you to call anyone within your organisation free of charge – even if your contact is based in a different city, or even a different country. Calling the New York office has never been easier.


It is more convenient

 Desk phone

Telephony services are convenient for a number of reasons. Firstly, it is incredibly flexible, and can incorporate all of the exisiting hardware you already own. Landline phones and mobile phone can both be integrated into the system with ease, which lets you plug in and go from day one. No waiting for new hardware to be delivered. Telephony services also free up your IT team from taking part in phone network maintenance, which frees them up to work on their core tasks; the system is maintained by us remotely. Essentially, telephony services from ASL Group take all the difficult parts of telephony out of your hands, leaving you with more time and resources to focus on your core business tasks.



It’s consistent

 Woman at desk utilising telephony

For any business, consistency of communications is important. If you’ve ever been at work when the internet or phone server has gone down, you will understand this more than most. With ASL Group telephony services, your service will never go down, even if your entire office suffers a power cut. We can quickly and easily have your server rerouted to another site, or to you and your staff’s mobile phones, so that you won’t miss an important call even if the worst happens.

To enquire about how ASL Group can make communication work for your business, call us on0333 577 2834, email us at [email protected], or visit our contact page here: