Happy New Year from all of us at ASL Group!

January is the time of year everyone like to make resolutions… and break them before the month is out. We were considering an article about new years’ resolutions. But then, if they’re just going to get broken, why waste time, energy… and paper?

So, we decided to suggest some habits to boost your office efficiency instead.

Changes that, once made, positive, more efficient behaviours will flow, for you and your workforce.

1.    Consider your office flow

I’m not talking about how your IT tickets get raised. There are many different workflows in the office, used every single day. Some we give thought to, others we don’t. They can be as simple as how we arrive at work – having coats and umbrella stands in a convenient place that minimises disruption as people arrive and leave, to where you keep the tea and milk in the staff kitchen. You could also consider where team members sit – do those who interact regularly sit in the same area? Do those who are out and about a lot sit nearer the door? What about your legacy finance files or hard copies – are they kept nearest to those who use them most? Are those with more cerebral tasks have the peace and quiet they need? What simple changes could you make that could have positive results for your office efficiency?

2.    Ditch the biscuit barrel and find a fruit bowl

Humans are innately creatures of convenience. This has its downsides, but it can also mean that, with a bit of thought, you can influence healthy eating habits at work by what you make easily available. If you usually have a box of biscuits or a tub of chocolates, consider swapping it out for a fruit bowl and encourage your workforce to eat more healthy options. Who knows, maybe these healthier habits will spill over into employees’ private lives?

3.    Be proactive with your device management

Offices are full of devices these days – handheld devices, printers, copiers, screens and monitors. Managing these devices can get complicated, especially when breakdowns happen. However, by being aware of when maintenance should be carried out, consumables should be replaced and software updated, you’ll reduce the impact of offline devices. If the prospect of this is too daunting, consider outsourcing it to a managed office services company like ASL Group that can plan, manage, monitor and administer your device support so you don’t have to think about it.

4.    Stay on top of your data security

Data leaks or losses can be both costly and complex to resolve. With increasing regulation, they also come with hefty penalties for those companies that aren’t taking reasonable measures to protect the data they hold. Just a few simple steps will dramatically reduce the likelihood you’ll find yourself victim to such data loss in 2025.

  • Ensure you have good security software protecting all of your devices (not just your computers).
  • Patch your software regularly to ensure you have the latest and most resilient versions and
  • Consider the data you are collecting and storing and how it’s protected.

For more advice on the best way to protect your devices, read our blog How simple cyber security hygiene can reduce your risk of online attacks.

5.    Streamline your printer and copier fleets

Reducing complexity is a good way to enhance your office efficiency. By cutting complexity early on, you can simplify things further down the line. By planning your printer and copier fleet, you can optimise how both are used. You can minimise the downtime on each and reduce the complexity of purchasing, replenishing and servicing. In doing this, you can make life much easier and, by using a print management company, you can upgrade or switch devices in an affordable manner, even if it wasn’t in the 2024/2025 budget.

6.    Encourage processes that reduce your reliance on printed materials

This isn’t just good for the environment. It also helps reduce cost and data loss risk too. By encouraging employees to use devices to track and manage meetings in place of printing practices, you can reduce your carbon footprint further this year.

To learn more about how ASL Group can help you to reduce office complexity with managed office services and steamline the copier and printer fleets in your office for greater office efficiency, contact us on 0345 207 7000.